90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try DasGro Hair Formula today and if you're not 100% satisfied with your results then we'll refund you the full amount (shipping included).
- You have 90 days from receiving DasGro Hair Formula to request a refund by emailing support@dasgro.com
- You will need to return all the bottles (empty, opened or sealed) to the return address provided.
- Once the bottles have been received we will issue a full refund.
- Only one refund per person, or household will be issued. Once a refund has been issued you can not re-order the product and ask for a refund a second time.
That's it! There are no hidden fees or restocking fees. There is absolutely no risk in trying DasGro Hair Formula, order today and try it for yourself!
Order DasGro Hair Formula Now! (90 Day Money Back Guarantee)